Dental Cavitation Surgery
The decision to pull a tooth is a very permanent one. It requires active participation by the patient, the holistic practitioner, and the biological dentist. If tooth extraction (or surgery of a former extraction site) is deemed necessary, individuals greatly enhance their chances of a positive outcome by adhering closely to pre- and post-surgery protocols. When patients request cavitation surgery it is usually based off symptoms and a referral by our holistic practitioner..
A cavitation refers to a “hole” or dental focus in the jaw bone that may harbor bacteria and interfere with the energy flow of the body’s meridian. These area’s that lack adequate healthy bone stem from previously extracted teeth and chronic infections, and that is why biological dentist perform “holistic extractions” to ensure the complete removal of the tooth and all destroyed surrounding tissue/bone. Often a bone cavitation can be referred to as a dental “focus” defined as an area that is chronically irritated and/ or infected..
These “dental focal infections” can include impacted wisdom teeth, incompletely extracted teeth, failed root canals, and non-vital teeth (from deep fillings, crowns or physical trauma). What makes chronic dental focal infections so particularly difficult to diagnose is the lack of symptoms associated with the localized infection. That is, in contrast to acute illnesses such as ear infections that can feel quite fiery and hot, typically dental foci manifest for years, manifesting only mild and intermittent symptoms of pain and swelling. Mentioned above, most cavitation requests come by the referral or diagnosis of the patient’s holistic practitioner.
High Quality X-Rays Essential
Despite the common holistic approach that teaches us to minimize radiation, specific imaging is required to determine dental bone cavitation that may warrant additional surgery. In this scenario our holistic dentist in Tijuana has the opportunity to utilize 3D Xrays to capture a three dimensional representation of the missing tooth are and all surrounding structures, to include the bone in question..
Traditional periapical x-rays can not produce an image of such quality or dimensions required for diagnosis. In the x-ray our dentist will evaluate for “radiolucency” consistent with missing bone, producing a dark or black area in the image where bone should be. If the image of the tooth and bone is negative; that is, no black radiolucency or other signs are apparent, then the biological dentist and physician endeavor to do everything possible to find an alternative source to a patients immediate symptoms..
Conservative Biologial Dentistry and Pre-cavitation Considerations
Our dentists do everything possible to try to save a tooth. They don’t recommend extraction until all other avenues of treatment have been exhausted. These can include ozone therapy to try to heal infection in the tooth, laser treatments, total metal removals with whole-body detox, and nutritional support..
Additionally, our staff of dentists attempt to adequately diagnose what’s wrong with the tooth (or socket) in order to determine the underlying problem. For example, if a patient is eating excessive sugar this could be the true cause of pain and inflammation manifesting in a first molar. This tooth has a reflexive relationship with the pancreas and stomach. By changing one’s diet (and nothing is more motivating than the thought of a root canal or the loss of a tooth) to a nutrient-dense one and avoiding refined sugar, along with supportive nutritional supplementation, the first molar can often be saved.
Remember that most dental infections are identified after significant destruction has taken place and a diet change at this point will not remedy the source problem. It should also be noted that it is essential in most cases to clear the teeth of any toxic dental materials such as mercury amalgam, and aluminum and nickel in some older conventional crowns, before extracting teeth. Clearing the mouth of these heavy metals often removes a galvanic dental focus. This term refers to the intermittent pain or irritation induced in a tooth from two different metals placed on or near a tooth. In the majority of cases it is best to clear the mouth of heavy metals before cavitation surgery.
In fact, this may even avert surgery in some individuals who have galvanic-induced dental foci. Additionally, patients with non-toxic dental restorations heal much better from surgery than those with toxic metals in their mouth. It is also important that liver detoxification pathways and kidney clearance functions are operating at optimal levels. A wellness and detoxification center is hosted within our building to provide whole-body and focused detox protocols easily obtainable to all patients.
Contact us today to bring you more information about this procedure in our dental clinic in Tijuana, Mexico.